North Kalamalka Neighbourhood Committee - Head of the Lake Plan
A group of Coldstream residents submitted a proposal to Council regarding their vision to enhance community safety, promote and protect an active lifestyle, improve transportation corridors, and contribute to the overall health and well-being of Coldstream residents and visitors. Council received the presentation and referred the information to the North Kalamalka Area Advisory Committee for inclusion in its deliberations.
Council approved the following Grant-in-aid applications for 2024:
- Lavington Community Association: $29,000
- O’Keefe Ranch & Heritage Society: $19,964
- Okanagan Youth & Family Service Society: $5,000
- Allan Brooks Nature Centre: $1,200.00
- Coldstream Lavington Heritage Society: $1,000.00
- Friends of Kalamalka Provincial Park: $1,300.00
- Jean Minguy RCMP Youth Academy: $1,000.00
- Vernon & District Riding Club: $1,000.00
- Vernon Winter Carnival: $500.00
Council Committee Appointments
Council approved the following committee appointments for Council Members:
Regional District of North Okanagan Board
Primary Mayor Hoyte / Alternate Councillor Garlick
Greater Vernon Advisory Committee & Regional District of North Okanagan Board
Alternates-at-large Councillors Cochrane and Runyan
Regional District of North Okanagan Regional Agricultural Advisory Committee
Councillor Runyan
Okanagan Regional Library Board
Primary Councillor Cochrane / Alternate Councillor Hoffman
Regional District of North Okanagan Parking Request - Coldstream Ranchlands
Council endorsed the Regional District of North Okanagan’s (RDNO) request to create parking on District roads at two access points to the trail and park amenities on the former Coldstream Ranchlands. The endorsed parking locations for the project are the located at the maintenance turn‐around on Ravine Drive and parallel parking on Cypress Drive.
Report from the In Camera Meeting
Council released the following information from its in camera meeting:
Public Works Building-Contract Award
Council awarded the contract to construct the new Public Works Building and renovate the old Fire Hall to PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc., in the amount of $9,315,029 plus GST, with a total budget request for this project of $10,915,000.
2024 Request to Purchase Coldstream/Lavington Fire Rescue Trucks
Council resolved to defer the purchase of the fire rescue trucks for the Coldstream and Lavington fire halls to a future year.