Nixon Earthworks will be starting the rehabilitation of School Road, from Highway 6 to Lavington Way. Construction will start on July 22, 2024 and will include a complete reconstruction of the road, broader shoulders, paved parking at Lavington Park, streetlights, and drainage upgrades. The extent of the project is shown on the map in red.
To ensure smooth traffic flow during the project, traffic will be reduced to single lane alternating. Intermittent road closures may be necessary to accommodate works near the creek and railway crossing. Local traffic will be accommodated as necessary to access properties and services.
To reduce congestion through the site and to access the south portion of School Road, visitors and residents are encouraged to use Learmouth Road.
Although portions of the lot will be blocked off to provide space for staging of equipment and supplies, access to the Lavington Park parking lot will remain open.
Paving is expected to be completed by mid-October 2024.
Please obey all signage and on-site personnel.